What to Expect

The Foyer

The Foyer

Join us in the foyer for coffee and fellowship time. This bright open space is where you will find us getting to know each another, and sharing life with one another.

Our Sanctuary

Our Sanctuary

This is where we worship together. Join us in this comfortable space where we sing, pray, laugh, and listen to relevant messages from God’s Word.

The Hallway

The Hallway

Join us on an adventure in Kid’s Kingdom. Down this hallway are classrooms where children get to learn about God’s Word, and how it applies to life. After a kids worship time, age appropriate classes split off for a time of teaching.

The Nursery

The Nursery

This is a safe, clean and fun space for small kids. Either stay and look after your own child, or have one of our nursery volunteers give you the space to participate in our service without worry. Pagers are available for parents who want to be sure they can be reached.

The Youth Room

The Youth Room

Youth Room
This is space dedicated to teenagers! A relaxing, enjoyable space for youth Bible studies, and special events.

The Fireside Room

The Fireside Room

Fireside Room
This is a multipurpose space where ladies Bible studies, and other teaching events and meetings occur.

If you’ve never been to our church before, welcome to LCBC. We are a congregation made up of families and individuals from a variety of walks of life, cultures, religious backgrounds and ages. Each week we come together to encourage one another on the journey of life. We come with different stories, challenges and needs, but together, we find hope and meaning in the life and work of Jesus.

When you come, come as you are. We have no dress code, and no expectation about “how you should act or look.” You are welcome to sit quietly, or to express your worship by raising your hands, and everything in between. You can bring your coffee with you, or enjoy a fresh cup that we’ve brewed anticipating that you will join us.
We are a friendly bunch, and will want to say hello and get to know your name. Like us, we hope you will come earnestly looking for truth, and a genuine desire to seek God’s best for your life.

We also want you to know that we are an imperfect bunch. The beauty of that being, we all need and get to offer God’s grace to one another.
So we hope to see you soon. May God bless you as you seek Him.

Pastor Tim